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Accessible International Destinations
Making adventure accessible.

Adaptive Sportsmen Inc.
Recreational opportunities for physically challenged people.

Australia For All
Accessible international travel.

Cheap0air Travel Accesibility Resource
Preparing for plane travel can be a time-consuming endeavor, but with the help of airline representatives, travel agents, and friends or family, those with disabilities can enjoy a safe and fun trip on any airline.

Colorado Adaptive Sports Foundation
Enhancing quality of life for people of all ages who have physical disabilities.

Freedom Shores Accessible Resort
A 100% wheelchair accessible hotel in Campeche, Mexico. Nurse’s aides available 24/7.

Freedom’s Wings International
Provides the opportunity for persons with physical disabilities to fly in specially adapted sailplanes.

Morgan’s Wonderland
The world’s first ultra-accessible family fun park.

National Alliance for Accessible Golf 
Working together to increase participation of people with disabilities in the game of golf.

Sail to Prevail – The National Disabled Sailing Program
Creating opportunities for disabled children and adults to overcome adversity through therapeutic sailing.

Strae Sport USA
STRAE Handcycles are designed by engineers and specialists dedicated to creating a safe, ergonomic, and highly competitive cycling experience for those with spinal cord injuries, amputations, or neurological diseases.

Therapeutic Adventures, Inc.   
Adaptive outdoor programs and specialty services for persons of all ages.

WC Caddy
Provides soft sided airline travel systems for both manual and rigid style wheelchairs.

Wilderness Inquiry
Integrated outdoor experiences for people with and without disabilities to promote full community inclusion.


Conquer Paralysis Now : 701 E. Bridger Avenue  /  Suite 150  /  Las Vegas, NV 89101 Connect with us -

Conquer Paralysis Now is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization | EIN 43-1878305


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